Biodiversity Studies
ISSN: 2791- 7347
e-ISSN: 2979-9376

Biodiversity Studies

2023, Vol 2, Num, 1     (Pages: 019-028)

Evaluation of Phenological and Morphological Properties of Some Asian Pear Varieties in the Climatic Conditions of South Moravia Therapeutic Interventions

Jonáš FIALA 1 ,Tomáš Nečas 1

1 Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Fruit Growing, Lednice, Czech Republic

DOI: 10.56494/bist.2023.15
Viewed: 2236
Downloaded : 563

The cultivation of Asian pear varieties in Czech climatic conditions, specifically South Moravian region, looks very promising. The introduction of new species and varieties can increase the biodiversity, what is an important factor in dealing with currentthreats in context with climatic changes. Asian pears are especially valuable due to their resistance to Erwinia amylovoraand Pear decline phytoplasma. They have also excellent tolerance to low temperatures and resistance to European pear scab (caused byVenturia pyrina). For this experiment, pomological and phenological properties were analysed on 32 pear varieties. The fruits were maturing from 9thof September (`Zao Su Li`) to the 20thof October (`Kieffer`). The heaviest fruits were determined at `Wu Jiu Xiang` (308 g on average). The lowest weight was detected at `Nanguo` (66 g on average). `Wu Jiu Xiang`, `Zao Su Li` and `Nanguo` have thin skin, which makes them ideal for direct consumption but also, they are prone to damage. `Baoshy` and `Dong guo` have thick skin, which provides good damage protection but decreases the organoleptic properties. The thick skin tends to be very bitter and overwhelms the taste of the fruit. The highest values of total soluble solids were measured in `Nanguo` (17.5%). The sourest was `Dong guo` (0.63 %) and `Nanguo` (0.54%of total titratable acids). Varieties of Asian pears and their fruits have very diverse characteristics and it is clear that their cultivation is worthwhile in the conditions of South Moravia (i.e. in the conditions of the Middle Europe).

Keywords : Asian pear, Pyrus, phenology, pomology, fruit quality